Saturday, July 23, 2011

Get on the Healthy Eating Train

So this post is a just me venting a little about my frustrations with eating. I like to eat. I exercise to balance my eating habits. Why then, is the scale creeping up instead of staying in one spot? Or better yet...why not seeing the number on the scale go down..that would be nice.
How can it be that I'm working out 2x a day 3 days a week, and 1x a day 3 days a week and I haven't lost a pound??
I'm so frustrated with myself it's not even funny.

Post vacation I've had a really difficult time getting back on the proper eating regimen. I eat great one meal, and then blow it all on the next. I'm desperate to find that zone I was in before we went on vacation...when I was monitoring everything that went into my mouth...and the things I was putting in my mouth made me feel good, not like crap. As sad as I am to say it, getting back into the school routine will only help me with this problem I am having.

Here's to making healthy choices, keeping my chin up and working to become a healthier me!


  1. I know it's frustrating. Just keep at it Jennifer. Two steps forward, one step backward will leave you with one step forward. :) I'm certainly no example since I do the same but really, we are of a 'normal' weight. We just want to be better than normal. :) Keep doing the best you can as far as eating goes and you are already doing the working out and running and are in much better shape than 95% of the U.S. Give yourself a little credit. I myself do better when I feel I am doing well. Sometimes I have to stay away from the scale. Anyway some random thoughts. Hope it helps a little.

  2. Jen, thanks for your words of encouragement. You are so right..we do better than 95% of the US with our lifestyles. It's just so frustrating! I told my husband last night that I was back on the train today. He agreed, we needed to chill a little with our eating and drinking. It's so much easier when he is on board with me.
    I'm ready to feel better, physically and mentally!
